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Evolve or Repeat...

Ilene Price

There's Always Two Choices...

Evolve or Repeat, There's Alway's Two Choices

Every year around this time we are working hard to keep our New Year's resolutions... lose weight, eat better, learn how to play an instrument, read more, etc. Most of us repeat our past behaviors instead of evolving from them. It's hard, I am the first to say I break my resolutions every year, but this year I am holding myself to one that I can keep, one that is less pressure and less daunting. I am going to work hard everyday to be a better person than I was the day before. I am going to strive to be the best person I can be to myself and to others. It may seem corny but if I feel good about who I am and how I behave, then I think it will be easier to make other change I want in my life. Always evolve...


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About Ilene

My name is Ilene Price and I am an artist, designer and creative soul. I believe in being happy and doing what you love. Read more...

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Just a Little Something...

Who doesn't love a freebie? Enjoy!

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