Digital Hoarding... Collecting without the Mess

Eat, Sleep, Pin, Repeat! I don’t know if you are like me, but I save snippets of everything from magazines mostly, or at least I used to do that. I would collect recipes, beauty tips, fitness routines, decorating ideas etc. I had file cabinets and folders full of ideas. The only problem was that after they got filed away, they were never seen again. I had good intentions of making that sugar scrub or refinishing that piece of furniture, but I never did them. Mainly because the folders and files were always a mess. I loved saving the stuff but I never wanted to sort and organize it better, that took too much time. And then came Pinterest. My world didn’t change right away, it took a couple of years to really understand the power of it. Over the last few years I have created an online visual database for myself consisting of everything I dreamed of doing for my files full of printed “snippets”, but a thousand times better. And now with the category and organization features Pinterest has, I have organized every single thing I have ever pinned. The best part is that I actually use it. I look up what I need within my boards and do many of the things I save. It’s where I go for inspiration, education or just fun. I have pretty much discontinued all my print magazines. I now subscribe to an app called "Texture" that allows me to read a large array of magazines each month, digitally, which is fine, since I don’t need to cut them up anymore. Last month I switched my personal account to a business account and hope to use it to promote my business in the future, we’ll see how that goes, (I was a little reluctant). But as far as using Pinterest as a digital scrapbook or filing cabinet for everything I need and everything I never knew I needed, it’s absolutely awesome. Here’s a link to my Pinterest account where you can see how I’ve set it all up...